How to Verify and Submit Site to Google Search Console

So, you have started a new blog and looking for a guide about essential things to do after installing self-hosted wordpress site as well as Google site verification in search console (Google webmaster tools). You can use this guide for verifying your site if your platform is different than WordPress such as BlogSpot etc. After creating a blog/website, it is crucial to submit your site in search engines webmaster tools such as Google, Bing, Yandex and Alexa verification.


Because it helps search engine bots to crawler and index your site in their database more accurately, that is why we submit sitemap in search engines.

In this guide, I will be sharing easiest ways to verify your website in Google Search Console. Though the confirmation is very simple but I have published this article for beginners bloggers and newbies who just jumped in the world of blogging.

I have divided the whole procedure into two sections, one is creating a property in search console and the second is verifying.

4 Easiest Ways to Verify and Submit Site to Google Search Console (Formerly Webmaster Tools)

In the very first step you have to create a property in your Google’s search console account and then you will be good to go for next steps. So, Let’s start!

  1. First of all, go to Search Console dashboard by using your Gmail login details.

  2. Now click on “ADD A PROPERTY” button located at the upper-right side on the screen.

Add a Property in GSC

  1. Enter your website address or URL (example: then hit “Continue“.

Type Site to Submit in Google Search Console

  1. Here is the final step to verify your site in Google search console, there are many methods to verify ownership of your site such as by uploading HTML file, Meta Tag, Google Analytics, Tag Manager and adding Domain Name record.

Verify Submitted Website

Here are alternate methods for verification that can also be used.

GSC Alternative methods to verification

  1. Choose the one that suits your situation or easy to implement. If you have already installed Google Analytics code on your site, choose analytics method to verify ownership. I am using Yoast SEO wordpress plugin for search engine optimization and there is an option for webmaster tools verification. So, I did it by entering Meta Tag.

4 Simple Ways to Submit Site in Search Console

Method 1# Google Search Console Site Verification via Yoast SEO Plugin

If you are using Yoast SEO plugin just like me, then you can this plugin for verification and it is the one easiest way.

  1. Get the site verification code from alternate methods tabgoogle verification code
  2. After that, visit your wordpress site dashboard and click on SEO> General
  3. Now click on the Webmaster Tools tab located at the top
  4. Paste the verification code in Google Search Console field and press “Save Changes.”Using Yoast SEO plugin for GSC Site Validation
  5. Hit the verify button in search console page, you have successfully done the steps.

Method 2# Site Verification by Uploading HTML File in Hosting Home Directory

Uploading HTML file also very easiest way, all you have to do is download and then upload the HTML file into your hosting home directory which usually named as “public_html“.


Upload HTML File in Hosting Home Directory

After completing uploading process, just hit the verify button.

Method 3# Google Analytics Method to Verify Site Ownership

Analytics method

Almost every blogger and site owner configure Google Analytics on their sites to monitor and analyze site traffic and statistics. So, this one is the most easiest way of validation so far. All you need to do is just check the “Google Analytics” option and hit the “Verify” button. If you have configured analytics code correctly, your site will be verified successfully.

Method 4# Google Webmaster Tools Verification with Meta Tag

Well, often I don’t recommend this method for newbies and also some other reasons.


Because with this way whenever you plan to change the theme of your blog, you need to insert verification code again in the theme header.php file and I don’t (also no one) want to do it again and again whenever changing the theme. Though, we don’t change blog theme every month, but I am not using this method.

So, here is the procedure for website submission and confirmation via adding verification code in the site header.

  1. Go to your wordpress site dashboard and then Appearance> Editor or If you want to do it by using FTP client, then go to public_html>wp-content>themes>yourthemefolder>header.php
  2.  Find header.php file and paste the code before </header> and first <body> site verification meta tag
  3. If you don’t have the technical knowledge about coding or newbie then please you do not try this on your main site. Header.php is an important theme file, messing it up can cause of site errors. Again don’t edit it if you don’t know what you’re doing. Try alternative ways.

Google search console site verification is not an advanced level procedure but newbies may face some troubles in this. That is why I have created this article in details with snapshots for making the whole steps just simpler. If you have any problem, do let me know in the comments section below. It would be a pleasure for me to help you figure out your problems.

If you have learned something useful, please do share this article on social media like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.

Thanks for reading and Happy Blogging 🙂

Muhammad Imran

I am Muhammad Imran (Engineering graduate), a professional blogger, SEO analyst, and webmaster with over 9 years of blogging experience, managing multiple blogs in different niches related to blogging, affiliate marketing, SEO, and product reviews.

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