21 Blogging Myths You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

A couple of years ago, when I jumped into blogging and bought MyTipsHub.com domain name, I had thoughts that it’s effortless to generate revenue with a blog. All you have to do is publish some blog posts, apply for Google Adsense, and place advertisements. That’s it.

The funny (I realized after some time) thing in my mind was everyone would visit my blog, click on Adsense ads, and I would make huge money, yes, huge. 🙂

The funniest thing was that there was no concern about traffic. But I was wrong; money isn’t the only reason for blogging. Readership, visitors, and also engagement in building a better blog are also substantial.

One of the most common blogging myths bloggers think is they can make money just by placing advertisements in various places on their blogs.

But, only this practice cannot make significant money; you must have thousands of visitors to make money and driving (organic) traffic is the hardest downside of blogging.

In today’s post, I am going to share common blogging misconceptions from my perspective and personal experience. There are many blogging myths that you may have heard, but they are not true.

There is no such thing as the dark side of blogging, but it also exists. These blogging truths are often neglected; however, if you are looking to start a new blog, consider them.

21 Blogging Myths You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

1. Blogging is a Cup of Cake

When I started blogging, one common thing in my mind was, Blogging is very easy. It’s easy to create great blog posts that readers like and share. But it is not when you have no experience with article writing.

In blogging, you must know graphics designing to create post images, should be enough proficient in English, have technical server management knowledge, blogging platform how-now (like WordPress), etc.

Blogging is a cup of cake when you are a passionate learner of new things every day. Otherwise, managing a blog individually is a tough job, and chances are you will leave it soon.

2. Publish Stuff Every Day

Another creepy blogging myth, bloggers think they can grow traffic by publishing new blog posts every day. But the truth is publishing posts every day cannot drive traffic when they’re not providing any benefits or value to readers. Why will someone read a useless article?

So, publish less/more there’s no matter, but always try to provide content that helps readers to learn something new or worth reading.

3. You Must Be an SEO Expert

I have seen many bloggers insist you should be an SEO expert to drive traffic from search engines, but the truth is, there is no need for being an expert in SEO. If you are passionately involved in learning SEO? Then it’s good. Otherwise, learn the basics like keyword research, backlink building, post optimization, formatting, etc.

Why because contents make a difference, you should know basic and some advanced level skills in this zone, and believe me, your articles will be rocking in Search Engine Results. When you share valuable content, users and search engines will love you.

4. Bloggers Only Manage Their Blog

Blogging is a profession, but it is also a hobby. Many bloggers start a blog as a part-time job or work. Usually, most bloggers have full-time jobs and professions, and they have busy schedules.

It is unlikely that they would be free after office hours. Blogging is something that requires 2 to 3 hours minimum every day, especially when you’re in a learning/beginning phase.

ShoutMeLoud and BloggingCage owners started their blogging journey as a hobby. Both were doing it as a part-time job and now they are known as top bloggers in the blogging business.

5. Starting a New Blog is Expensive

When I started my first .com blog, I thought it would cost a few hundred bucks to start a blog, but it’s not. You can make your free blogspot blog or register a domain name that will cost you only $12~$15 per year.

Other than that, you can start like a PRO by hosting your blog on your web hosting account instead of relying on a free platform. Don’t have a lot of money to buy a premium hosting plan? Well, I already shared some of the best yet cheap hosting providers for WordPress and other popular CMS platforms

There are many bloggers out there who will tell you how wrong this myth is. Many blog designers use the magnificent templates that are available on WordPress for free or are very cheap to build.

Many online services where you can make a customized template include Pipdig, which offers services to make customized blogging templates.

6. Just Write and Publish it Instantly

Newbies don’t realize that it requires a lot of time and energy to build and write quality blog posts.

Many bloggers write a series of posts on the weekend and schedule them for the upcoming days. Even if you are going on a holiday, you can schedule later posts easily.

This is what many YouTubers do as well. It is not necessary that the post is written and published on the same day.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to write daily and publish a lot of content; always focus on helpful and problem-solving content.

7. Blogging Community People are Always Nice

The blogging community is a good way to be a part of the biggest social community. Many people don’t understand the fact why bloggers need to share their lives or blog about it, and they consider it offensive why there is a need to monetize everything on the blog.

People tend to be mean when they find out ads and marketing on a blog. Since online users can be anonymous, but sometimes or most of the time, online visitors always cross the line and become rude.

8. Blog Posts Only Take a Few Minutes

That can be the case for some articles; however, the majority of posts require a lot of time. There is research, supporting data, then finding perfect pictures and making it SEO-friendly involved. It takes time to proofread the paragraphs and typing mistakes.

It requires a lot of effort to correct your writing mistake. But as they say, practice makes you better and more natural.

9. You Need Expensive Camera or Equipment For the Blog:

If you have beauty, photography, fashion or such visual blogs, then the camera does make a difference. To run a successful blog can lead up to the camera after a year or so, But if you have started a new one, then stick to quality pictures taken from your Android or iPhone.

One of the blogging truths is the content is very important and preferred over the quality of pictures. The pictures should speak with the content.

10. More Posts More it Brings Traffic

I was also wrong in this, as most new bloggers too, but it’s not 100% true. Bloggers think if their blog has a bunch of blog posts, they will get more traffic. But the question is, Are they provide any information or value to readers, or just a filling space of your blog?

Thin content cannot help you drive traffic, sales, engagement, and it also may cause Google Penalties. So, you should avoid sharing useless and creepy content.

Internet users want fresh and helpful stuff until you provide they will like to visit your blog. Otherwise, there’s a big no.

11. Social Media is a Waste of Time

Social media network plays a vital role in improving search ranking and traffic too. You should invest a significant amount of time in content marketing.

Don’t only rely on Organic traffic; social media can also boost traffic. Always share your content on social sites, especially on Facebook and Twitter, etc.

12. Ads Placement/Advertisement is the Best Way to Make Money via Blog

Newbie bloggers often think ads are the best way to earn money, But the reality is there are several ways to make money via blogs. Affiliate marketing is the best choice for generating meaningful revenue. You can publish sponsored posts and product reviews for extra bucks.

So, don’t ever rely on one revenue-generating way, use advertisements, and affiliate marketing together for the best results. I still remember when I started blogging, Google Adsense was the only way of making money in my mind 🙂

13. Writing Expertise Need for a Successful Blogger

You should be an expert in article writing, but if you aren’t, then what? Hmm.. then nothing and it’s entirely wrong. The considerable main thing is you must know how to convey your thoughts/voice in front of your readers.

Always avoid difficult words or sentences because there is not always a master-degree passed person reading your articles. So, please write in simple English because I want to read your articles to learn new stuff.]

14. Bloggers Love Free Gifts and Treats

This blogging myth is actually not true. Many people think that blogging is about getting free gifts which contradicts the primary objective of blogging. A blog is like writing a diary for the people and yourself. Bloggers might start a new blog just to be a side activity and for the enjoyment of it.

For other successful and popular bloggers, blogging is a full-time job that they do honestly. Their real success comes from excellent reviews and comments from the people.

There is a need to build and nurture healthy relationships with Public Relations as the blog should be promoted. If there is a sense of positivity being promoted, it is not about receiving but giving.

15.  Bloggers Can Work with Almost any Brand in any Niche

Blogging is an industry itself with massive campaigns for marketing. Bloggers are being asked to review, help, giveaways, and participate in campaigns to advertise all types of brands, whether it is related to their blog or not. This is also one of the common blogging myths.

Many bloggers never accept such offers, besides why would any blogger want to promote a shampoo brand on a technical mobile blog? Such offers do not interest the readers and might be a loss to bloggers.

16. You Need a “Blogging” Category

Find your niche and differentiate yourself from all other blogs. A blog doesn’t have to be specified only on one topic.

If you are thinking of pigeon-hole yourself, there is absolutely no need to do that or ever put yourself in a box. Many bloggers love to write about all types of categories.

Even the blogging awards that have been introduced cover a great area of topics. New bloggers must know that their blog is dependent on them only.

17. It’s All About Marketing and Numbers

This is partially correct. A successful blog is all about followers, referrals, and traffic. And this traffic is a result of proper digital marketing. However, this might not be the case for all.

Blogging is also about speaking to people who follow your blog. It is about building a relationship with readers, friendships, letters, tweets, and emails which are called quality engagement. It is also about writing honestly, not hastily.

Growing the right number of audience is also the result of inspiring people there with your writing skills. Sharing your ideas and yourself with all over the world requires a lot of courage.

If you ever happen to meet a successful blogger, you will know that it is not only about the numbers when it comes to blogging.

18. Blogging is the Easiest Way to Making Money


No, it’s not as I thought. You need to do hard work with smart strategies to make your blog stand out among thousands of other blogs.

When you have enough traffic, especially organic, your blog will be turned into a money-making machine. The essential things are readers’ trust, readership, and traffic.

19. High Traffic = More Money

Well, another common blogging myth is that more traffic means it will make more money for you. Let me ask you one question, If you have placed an advertisement banner on your site, but no one is clicking on it, then how you’ll make money?

In the same way, you added affiliate links in your blog post, but no one is buying products via these links; in both scenarios, how will you make money?

So, getting traffic is not the key to generating revenue, but to some extent, it plays a vital role. You’ll need targeted traffic/users who really interested in buying products. So, to come up with this situation, keyword research is the better way to get targeted traffic. Targeted traffic is the door to more engagement, sales, and shares too.

20. Affiliate Marketing is Easy

Affiliate marketing is one of the lucrative ways to earn a healthy amount of money, and there’s no doubt about it. But getting affiliate sales is not an easy job when you have a new site.

To do this job easily, you should build credibility, readership, and trust. It took me more than one year to get my first affiliate sale as a newbie (I learned everything from scratches).

When you successfully gain credibility, readers will buy your recommended products without any hesitation. Always remember, Never recommend useless and creepy products; otherwise, you will lose the credibility you build over the years]

21. Handling WordPress is Easy

Though WordPress is a very handy, flexible, and adorable content management system but sometimes some weird issues happen that put bloggers in trouble.

A few months ago, I faced such types of problems; I published a blog post, but it was not appearing on the homepage. When I clicked on the post category, it was showing there, but not on the homepage.

Then my first impression was, what the heck is this? After checking the site completely for looking any incorrect configurations, I was still in the problem. By the way, it happened due to the wrong cache settings.

Also, many other issues can happen, such as White Screen of Death, WordPress Site not updating homepage as I describe above, CSS minification failure, etc.

You should be aware of some technical knowledge for managing a wordpress site or hire someone. Don’t worry, such problems do not occur more often.

Also check:

Final Thoughts

These blogging myths are based on my personal experience and thoughts, and I think a new blogger often thinks the way I had. But the truth is there is a lot of hard work and patience required for building a successful blog and it demands time.

If you want to build an active community, readership, and engagement, you should share helpful posts, How to’s, and tutorials. Realize your readers that you care about them when they start trusting you; you’ll start gaining credibility.

Making money through a blog is not an easy job when you have a new blog. As a blogger, generally, we claim that we don’t need money, but money is essential for living. Every single human being needs money for better living. It’s not mean you start recommending useless products.

I hope this article will help you decide before jumping into blogging.

Would you like to share blogging myths you had before starting, or Am I missing anything? Don’t be shy to share your thoughts in the below comments zone.

Muhammad Imran

I am Muhammad Imran (Engineering graduate), a professional blogger, SEO analyst, and webmaster with over 9 years of blogging experience, managing multiple blogs in different niches related to blogging, affiliate marketing, SEO, and product reviews.

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